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Nov 25, 2010

Apple Jam


Apple - 3 
Sugar - 1 ½ cups
Lime juice(freshly squeezed) - 1 ½ tsp


1. Cut Apple into small cubes
2. Boil water in a pan. Add Apple cubes and cook for 15 minutes. Remove from heat and allow this to cool for 5 to 10 minutes.
3. Drain the water and grind the cooked apple cubes in a blender nicely
4. Heat the ground apple mix in a pan. Add sugar and lemon juice to it. Keep the stove in medium heat.
5. Stir this mix frequently to avoid burning the bottom. Stir this mix till it becomes thick(like jam). This may take 20 to 25 minutes.

6. Then remove from heat and let it cool completely. After that store the jam in sterilized jars and refrigerate

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